Astro's Playroom: Factory


​Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Development Time:  1 Month
 Level Design
Assets Used: Super Grid by ZeOrb


Purpose: Create a blockout for an established IP while staying true to its aesthetic and "feeling".

Setting: A large robot factory

OBJECTIVE: Survive the hazards of the robot factory and make it to safety on the other side of the factory.

Design Process

Step 1: Research

When gathering details about Astros playroom I watched a decent amount of gameplay walkthrough videos and interviewed some friends who have played it. (I unfortunately don't have a PS5 so I couldn't play it myself)

While watching I noticed alot of the core gameplay elements:

  • Linear levels
  • Large gaps / pitfalls
  • Rotating paths
  • Some exploration 
  • Small platforms
  • Prop placement

Step 2: References

I gathered most of my images from the game itself. After deciding on a robot factory location for the level, I collected references from real-life robot factories and concept art from pop culture in order to create a unique and relevant setting for the level.

Step 3: Layout

Normally, I would create a 2D layout however, for this project, I wanted to take a slightly different approach. Since the level was going to be linear and each platform would lead into the next, I started by making a list of important sections and mechanics for the level.

After making a list, I took notes on what each section might look like and its function. I then narrowed down the list by cutting out impractical ideas and eventually settled on five main sections, which eventually turned into six.

Step 4: Blockout

To create the level, I started by settling on the overall layout of the map and then building individual sections. I rearranged the sections until they had a natural flow and a challenging but typical pacing for a platformer. I added connecting platforms and realized that the level needed a main challenge, which led to the idea of a sorting machine as the final challenge.

This allowed me to incorporate the rolling mechanic from the memory meadows level in the game.  The sorting machine then became the  centerpiece of the level. Overall, the goal was to create a challenging and unique level that maintains the typical pacing of a platformer.

Step 5: Polish

The vast majority of my polish step was spent adding robot arms and other elements to really push the setting of the map. However, I also finalized my color code for the entire level based on the various functions each object had. 


Yellow: Moving platform
Direction of platform
Oil spill
Collectable coins
Teal / Multicolored:
Interactable objects
Green / Blue / LightGrey:
Robot parts
Dark Grey:
Standard platforms

Oil spills on the sorting machine


In order to add an additional layer of difficulty to the level, I introduced the concept of "Oil spills" scattered throughout the level. In the final version of the level, "Oil spills" will temporarily increase the player's movement speed, which may force them to fall off the map if they are not careful.

This new mechanic, along with the sorting machine, adds a unique and challenging element to the level.

Sorting Machine

Once the player lands on the sorting machine they will transform into “ball” mode just like in the memory meadow level. The player will turn into a round ball and must continue to roll down the sorting machine to avoid being crushed by incoming parts.

The path forward then splits off into multiple directions and the player will need to use 
quick and decisive thinking to pick a path very carefully.  Paths may currently be blocked by robot parts., and others may be free of obstacles.

As the player moves along a route of the sorter they also need to watch out as there are “Oil spills" throughout the sorter. If the player isn’t careful the “Oil spills" may force them to fall off the edge.

Furthermore, paths that are currently safe and clear may not always remain that way. If so, the player will need to jump onto a different track to progress further to the end of the sorting machine.

*Note the tracks of the sorting machine spiral down on one another allowing some tracks to become clear further down the line and thus become a viable option for the player to jump back onto.

Step 6: Retrospective

Overall, the biggest takeaway from this project was a shift in mindset and a refreshing experience of trial and error. The most impressive feat was the construction of the sorting machine, which added a unique and challenging element to the level. The "Oil Spill" mechanic also added to the difficulty and required the player to be on their best game to make it to the end of the level.

Game Documentation

Here is a Link to my documentation and a full detailed walkthrough. 

Astro's Playroom GDD
